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Generally, People (Man) separate the “Creator” from the areas of influence in our culture as they are not seen as being spiritual, whereas “the WORD” instructs us to be the Salt and Light “and go to the world to influence culture and not to be influenced by culture” (Matthew 5:13-16)


We Assist, Counsel, Guide, and Empower the less fortunate, the deprived, the social outcasts, the miserable, traumatized, confused, lost, broken-hearted, hurting, mourning, and hopeless people who have given up on themselves, their family, and friends. We see “value” in humanity, the Scripture says: “He purposely chose what the world considers nonsense in order to shame the wise, and He chose what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful. He chose what the world looks down on and despises, and thinks is nothing, in order to destroy what the world thinks is important.” (1 Corinthians 1:27-28)

Kid's Ministry

We provide Early Childhood Development (ECD) through our bespoke Kid's Ministry where we interact with children in creches, schools, playgrounds, and their homes.

Adulthood Preparation (Boys-to-Men)

We engage with the youth, young couples, and teenagers who are exposed to the challenges our society including social ills have a negative impact in ther lives.

Home-based Ministry

We visit families that are eager to fellowship with like-minded individuals and are willing to take steps to empower themselves along with other LAKHIZWE FOUNDATION Community members.

Women's Ministry

This is a platform for women to fellowship, be inspired, engage with community members or leaders, counsel the less fortunate, exchange ideas, or empower one another.

Young Leaders Support

This platform serves people from all walks of life by connecting aspiring entrepreneurs, academics, job-seekers, community leaders, and aspiring future leaders.

Volunteer Groups

We are building a community that sees value in Volunteerism as the foundation of servanthood leadership.

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